Strategic International Management (SIM)
The Research Unit Strategic International Management investigates the internationalization patterns and growth paths of medium-sized world market leaders. The focus is on resource- and skill-oriented analyses of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises into hidden champions. Another focus is the differentiated analysis of different growth strategies (e.g. internationalization, innovation, mergers & acquisitions) and their contribution to a global and balanced growth strategy. The research methodology combines qualitative case studies with quantitative surveys in a strong network with European university partners, hidden champions, ministries and chambers/associations.
The research group Innovation Excellence deals with the challenges and success factors in medium-sized innovation management. An essential focus of the empirical research work is the supplementation of the operational development competence by a high market competence. On the basis of empirical studies and case studies, the research group develops approaches to market-oriented innovation management as the silver bullet to sustainable corporate growth in saturated markets.
Innovation Excellence (INEX)
Entrepreneurial Management (EM)
The research area Entrepreneurial Management investigates patterns of action of entrepreneurs in the development of innovative business models and their scaling. In particular, explorative and project-accompanying research on concrete start-up projects takes place. Methodologically, mainly case studies are used. The focus is on digital business models and functional marketing, sales and controlling. Individual research projects are closely linked to courses within the framework of ‘research teaching’. In many cases, the projects are also embedded in the local start-up ecosystem, e.g. through cooperation with the chambers of commerce or business development.
The research area “Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)” investigates which requirements a company’s stakeholders place on its CSR measures and which psychological mechanisms are subject to their perception and behaviour. The aim of the research work is to support companies in the conception and design of balanced and effective CSR strategies that balance the interests of different stakeholder groups. Another focus is on how consumers can contribute to sustainability goals and how they can be motivated to adopt more sustainable consumption patterns. The research area is empirical-quantitative and uses different survey methods (experiments, panel data, quantitative surveys) and methodologically diverse analysis methods (e.g. structural equation modelling, multiple group analysis). The research is carried out with a strong partner network of national and international research cooperations and committed business partners.